Podcast | EdCan Network


Explore what’s trending in Canadian workplace well-being through our podcast series featuring expert opinion and analysis.

The Well at Work podcast is a conversation with Canadian K-12 educators and researchers about workplace mental health and well-being. Also available on your favourite platforms:



Well at Work, Well-being

The Ups and Downs of Co-Teaching

Teaching, Well at Work

Making a Drastic Change in my Teaching Career

Promising Practices, Well at Work

The Action-Driven Change Framework

Equity, Well at Work

Racism and K-12 Workplace Well-Being

Well at Work, Well-being

What does it mean to flourish in your work?

Leadership, Well at Work

Principal SEL: What’s it look like?

Well at Work, Well-being

Are education systems designed to care for teachers?

Leadership, Well at Work

Empowering Staff to Drive Well-Being Forward

Well at Work, Well-being

Losing My Voice

Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

Recess for Everyone

Well at Work, Well-being

Self-Reg Isn’t Just for Kids

Well at Work, Well-being

3 Steps to Districtwide Staff Well-Being

Well at Work, Well-being

Beyond the Cone of Silence

Well at Work, Well-being

So you want me to talk?

Well at Work, Well-being

What does it mean to change “the system?”

Teaching, Well at Work, Well-being

Are schools more stressful places to work?

Promising Practices, Well at Work, Well-being

Who’s taking care of YOU?

Well at Work, Well-being

Downtime for principals?

Well at Work, Well-being

The Teacher Mom Struggle is Real

Research, Teaching, Well at Work, Well-being

How are you REALLY feeling?