Leadership, Well at Work

Empowering Staff to Drive Well-Being Forward

Listen to "Empowering Staff to Drive Well-Being Forward featuring Diana Jemieff" on Spreaker.In a previous podcast, we spoke with Kimberly Cooper, a special education resource teacher in Saskatchewan, who lost her voice due to chronic stress. In this episode, we catch-up with Kimberly’s principal, Diana Jemieff, to dive deeper into how she empowers and supports staff in co-creating and taking the lead on school-wide well-being initiatives. In doing so, Diana has created a healthier workplace culture and a sense of shared ownership, based on the foundational belief that investing in staff is the most important investment.

Meet the Expert(s)

EdCan Network

The EdCan Network is the independent national organization with over 140,000 members working tirelessly to ensure that all students discover their place, purpose and path.

Le Ré...

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Diana Jemieff

Diana Jemieff

Principal, Delisle Elementary School

Diana is the Principal at Delisle Elementary School in Saskatchewan.

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