Research, Teaching, Well at Work, Well-being

How are you REALLY feeling?

Listen to "How are you REALLY feeling?" on Spreaker.There’s a cone of silence around what you can admit to in the workplace – how you’re feeling, behaving, and how things are genuinely going for you. Sound familiar? There’s actually a term for this – “emotional labour.


Meet the Expert(s)

EdCan Network

The EdCan Network is the independent national organization with over 140,000 members working tirelessly to ensure that all students discover their place, purpose and path.

Le Ré...

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Astrid Kendrick bio

Dr. Astrid Kendrick

Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Calgary

Astrid Kendrick has been a K-12 classroom teacher for nineteen years for the Calgary Board of Education and is an instructor at the the University of Calgary.

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