Leadership, Well at Work

Principal SEL: What’s it look like?

Listen to "Principal SEL: What's it look like? ft. Dr. Mark T. Greenberg" on Spreaker.One of the best predictors of teachers leaving their school and the profession altogether is the quality of their principal. A high quality principal has the ability to develop strong relationships with teachers, to be a good listener, and to set goals for the school to be a healthy, caring, and supportive environment. Unfortunately, most principals don’t have training in this area, while the focus of their training remains on test scores, accountability, and instructional leadership – rather than on how to be the social emotional leader of their school.

Meet the Expert(s)

EdCan Network

The EdCan Network is the independent national organization with over 140,000 members working tirelessly to ensure that all students discover their place, purpose and path.

Le Ré...

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Mark T. Greenberg

Emeritus Professor, Bennett Chair of Prevention Science, Pennsylvania State University

Mark T. Greenberg, Ph.D. is an Emeritus Bennett Chair of Prevention Research in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State Universi...

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