Well at Work, Well-being

Are education systems designed to care for teachers?

Listen to "Are education systems designed to care for teachers? ft. Dr. Mark T. Greenberg" on Spreaker.While there are strategies that can help teachers become more resilient and better manage job stress – like yoga programs, nutrition lessons, and initiatives that encourage physical activity – these strategies often don’t target the root causes of stress. If teachers are experiencing very high rates of stress that’s impacting student learning and causing them to leave the profession, then we need to shift our focus to organizational approaches – changing whole school cultures, redesigning jobs to reduce workload, and engaging teachers in a participatory environment. Our education systems aren’t designed to care for teachers.

Meet the Expert(s)

EdCan Network

The EdCan Network is the independent national organization with over 140,000 members working tirelessly to ensure that all students discover their place, purpose and path.

Le Ré...

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Mark T. Greenberg

Emeritus Professor, Bennett Chair of Prevention Science, Pennsylvania State University

Mark T. Greenberg, Ph.D. is an Emeritus Bennett Chair of Prevention Research in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State Universi...

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