Grading & Assessment

Volume 59 | Issue 1

Featured Article

A+ Student

Editor's Pick
Assessment, Equity, Research

The Surrey Portfolio Pathway Partnership

How it can be used to enhance teachers’ formative assessment skills and students’ learning

Assessment, Promising Practices, Research

Comparative Judgment

Discussion Kit

Deluca_Discussion kit cover image


Rethinking How You Grade

Merchant_Discussion kit cover image (1)


Assessing Students’ Work Habits

Promising Practices

Promising Practices, School Community

What’s in a Name?

Web Exclusives

student self-assessment

Assessment, Promising Practices

Straight to the Source

developing competencies

Curriculum, Engagement, Teaching

Don’t Dump the Baby With the Bathwater

student self-assessment

Assessment, Research

Evaluating Best Practices in Large-Scale Assessment

This issue will offer a fresh outlook on student assessment, going beyond already well-known terrain to take a critical look at our current learning assessment process, in Canada and internationally. Why do even recently-graduated teachers tend to assess the way they were assessed as students?

Photo: iStock

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