Dr. Wei Fang

Fei Wang, Ph. D.

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia

Localisation : British Columbia
Site web : https://edst.educ.ubc.ca/facultystaff/fei-wang/

Dr. Fei Wang is an associate professor at the Faculty of Education, the University of British Columbia (UBC). He earned his PhD in educational leadership and administration at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, the University of Toronto (OISE/UT). His research involves four interrelated areas: a) the changing nature of school principals’ work, particularly, their work intensification and health and wellbeing in Ontario and British Columbia (funded by SSHRC Insight and UBC SSHRC Explore); b) principals’ subversive strategies in contexts where their day-to-day operation of schools is significantly constrained by policy initiatives and academic standards of educational reform (funded by UBC Hampton Award); c) principals’ strategic leadership through the philosophical teachings of The Art of War to understand school principals’ social justice advocacy and activism (funded by SSHRC IDG); and d) leadership challenges in cross-cultural contexts (e.g., offshore schools) in transnational education (funded by UBC HSS Seed Grant).


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