Katina Pollock Well-being

Katina Pollock, Ph. D.

Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy in the field of Critical Policy, Equity, and Leadership Studies at the Faculty of Education, Western University

Localisation : London, Ontario
Site web : https://www.edu.uwo.ca/faculty-profiles/katina-pollock.html


Bien dans mon travail, Bienêtre, Recherche

Quels sont les défis particuliers des directions d’écoles francophones hors Québec (DÉFHQ)?

work intensifcation

Bien dans mon travail, Bienêtre, Recherche

Intensification du travail : l’évolution du rôle des directions d’école

Bien dans mon travail, Bienêtre, Recherche

Comment les systèmes d’éducation peuvent-ils favoriser le bien-être des directions d’école?

Article coup de cœur
Bien dans mon travail, Bienêtre, Leadership

Directeurs en santé, écoles en santé

Research, Well at Work, Well-being

Francophone Principals: What unique challenges do they face?

work intensifcation

Research, Well at Work, Well-being

Work Intensification: How the Role of School Leaders is Changing

Research, Well at Work, Well-being

How Can Education Systems Support Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Well-Being?

Well at Work, Well-being

Downtime for principals?

Education Canada Magazine

Editor's Pick
Leadership, Well at Work, Well-being

Healthy Principals, Healthy Schools