Canadian EdWire – All’s Not So Quiet on the Education Front
Special-needs integration guidelines unveiled in Quebec, flare-ups involving religious accommodation, cheating, and school closures.
Special-needs integration guidelines unveiled by Quebec education minister – Montreal Gazette
Regular classrooms with adaptations and support are preferred
Board runs afoul of Education Act with prayer services – Toronto Star
Keeping Juniper school open shows fairness, says education minister – Fredericton Daily Gleaner
Teachers dispute nears end – Saskatoon Star Phoenix
Mediator suggests extra pay bump
Strike vote gets massive support from B.C. teachers – Cranbrook Townsman
Do you really need to tutor your 3-year-old for kindergarten? – Toronto Star
Atlanta teachers, principals caught fixing students’ mistakes in massive cheating scandal – Toronto Star
Indonesian schools – More cheating, or else! Scandals in the classroom – The Economist
What news am I missing? Can you recommend some education blogs for me to follow? Please tweet me at @max_cooke, e-mail me at or better yet, use the comment box below to suggest additional articles happening in your region so that others can check it out.
This is not optional anymore… – The Principal of Change (George Couros)
Spending the last four days at a national leadership conference (CASA 11) in Niagara Falls on 21st Century Learning and Innovation (which had no Twitter hashtag until a few of us got together to start one), and then spending the week prior at ISTE, the conversation about technology in schools is a major theme. Although technology is dominant in the conversations, I keep hearing the following phrase:
“You can be an effective teacher without technology.”
The above statement is increasingly frustrating as it seems to give people an out from using technology in the classroom. There are so many skills that our students need in today’s world as the ability to collaborate, create, communicate, and apply all of these in their environment…
I blame you Twitter – Culture of Yes (Chris Kennedy)
Twitter, or more specifically those who I connect with using it, has influenced my thinking and work in a number of ways. Although, from time to time, I do hear “Twitter is a waste of time,” my experience has been that if it is a waste of time you are following the wrong people. While it is not the greatest tool for a discussion, or the best place to share deep, thoughtful commentary, it is a wonderful place to connect. Here are the three ways it has influenced me as I look ahead to the next couple months…
Nurturing a Learner’s Sense of Wonder – User Generated Education
I started my work in education as an outdoor educator. I took elementary-aged kids on environmental education adventures and at-risk youth on extended wilderness trips. When taking the at-risk students on backpacking trips in Maine, some of my favorite moments came when we came over a knoll to an outlook that appeared to have a view of the whole state of Maine. Due to numerous trips to this location, I knew what was coming after our long day hiking through the dense woods. The kids did not. I would rush ahead so I could see their faces as they approached this magnificent view. It never failed. I watched their faces turn from the look related to the strenuous climb to that of pure joy and amazement at the view. These “too-cool” teens’ lit-up faces and cries of “wow’ reminded me of the same reactions I saw in the younger kids as they explored the nature world during our hikes…