Spring Comes in September
After a too long summer, September brings the energy and hope of a new school year to teachers, students and parents. Its going to be different this time. Its going to be better – not that last year was bad, but we have learned from our mistakes and we know we can improve.
But intentions count for naught without actions, so what are you going to do differently this year? Einstein claimed that the very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, so what are you going to change? You need a plan.
Try harder is not a plan, its a fantasy. Keep on top of things is not a plan either. A plan includes specific actions and, importantly, a plan assumes that you will fail before you succeed so it includes supports and backups to catch you when you fall. Good plans often include other people who are taking the same steps and can form a supportive community so that you don’t have to venture out alone.
A plan for new behaviour also requires new thoughts, new ways of seeing things and interpreting things so that we don’t just fall back into old habits.
As I launch this new blog, I hope that I can become a part of your plan to take hold of this new school year and make it the best ever. I will be thinking out loud in public and I invite you to join me. We can agree or disagree, but let’s rethink things together. Feel free to lurk, but also please feel free to respond.
This venture is as new for me as the school year is for you and I am both excited and anxious about it. I hope I don’t make a fool of myself, but nothing ventured nothing gained as they say, so away we go.
Let’s start with a little inspiration from Sir Ken Robinson on the TED Talks. Give yourself a treat and listen to him at http://thurly.net/ while I think about what to say next and let me know what you think about his comments if you are so inclined.