EdCan Network Authors

Stuart Shanker image placeholder

Stuart Shanker

CEO and Founder of The MEHRIT Centre

EdCan Author

Sue Roffey

teacher, psychologist, researcher and writer

Susan Winton

Sue Winton

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, York University

Suparna Roy

Suparna Roy

Coordinator of Teaching, Learning, & Innovation, Albert College

Susan Drake

Dr. Susan M Drake

Professor, Brock University

Dr Susan Rodger

Dr. Susan Rodger

Psychologist and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education at Western University and a Research Associate at the Centre for School-Based Mental Health

Susan Elliott

Education Consultant and Facilitator, Learning for a Sustainable Future

Photo of Susan Holloway

Susan M. Holloway

Associate Professor, University of Windsor

Suzie Tardif

Chercheure, ÉCOBES - Recherche et transfert (Cégep de Jonquière)

sylvain berube

Sylvain Bérubé

Enseignant au secondaire, École secondaire De Rochebelle, CS des Découvreurs


Sylvain Dancause

Enseignant au secondaire et blogueur au Journal de Québec et de Montréal, École de La Courvilloise, Commission scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries

Dr. Sylvana Côté

Professor and Researcher, University of Montreal and CHU Sainte-Justine