Elwin LeRoux
Deputy Minister, Education and Early Childhood Development of Nova Scotia
Alan Leschied
Psychologist and Professor at the Faculty of Education at Western University
Laura Leslie
Teacher (Halifax Regional Centre for Education), Doctoral Student (St. FX University)
Normand Lessard
EdCan Director - Directeur exécutif, Association des directions générales scolaires du Québec (ADGSQ)
Sara Leung
Equity Teacher Facilitator
Isabelle LeVert-Chiasson
Education Program Officer, Canadian Commission for UNESCO
Rino Lévesque
Fondateur et leader, Idée éducation entrepreneuriale
Jennifer Lewington
Freelance education journalist
Kelsey Ann Lewis
PhD Student and Researcher, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
Lisa Lindsay
Assistant Superintendent, Student Experiences, Prairie Rose Public Schools
Paul Ling
BEd Candidate, Laurier Faculty of Education
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