Ashley Waggoner
STEM and English teacher
David Wagner
Associate Dean in the Faculty of Education at the University of New Brunswick
Dr. Keith Walker
Professor, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan
James Daniel Walsh
Bachelor of Education Student, University of Calgary
Dr. Fei Wang
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
Derek Wasyliw
Master’s student in the Kinesiology and Physical Education Graduate Program at McGill University
Robert Watt

Matthew Waugh
Senior Researcher, Surrey School District
Jeff J. Webster
Teacher, Edmonton Public Schools
Dr. Yifeng Wei
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University
Chris Wejr
Principal, Shortreed Elementary School, Langley Schools
Dr. Kristopher Wells
Associate Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Care in the Faculty of Health and Community Studies at MacEwan University
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