Engagement What did you do in school today?
Exploring the Concept of Student Engagement and its Implications for Teaching and Learning in Canada
Through What did you do in school today? the Canadian Education Association, in partnership with the Canadian Council on Learning and school districts across Canada, are bringing life to the idea of student engagement in the classroom, and exploring its powerful relationship with adolescent learning, student achievement, and effective teaching.
Meet the Expert(s)
Penny Milton is former CEO of the Canadian Education Association and the initiator of What did you do in school today?
Penny Milton a été chef de la direction de l’Association canadienne d’éducation et a lancé l’initiative Qu’as-tu fait à l’école aujourd’hui?
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Jodene Dunleavy is a Senior Policy Analyst for the Nova Scotia Department of Education.
Jodene Dunleavy est analyste principale des politiques au ministère de l’Éducation de la Nouvelle-Écosse.
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