Jodene Dunleavy is a Senior Policy Analyst for the Nova Scotia Department of Education.
Jodene Dunleavy est analyste principale des politiques au ministère de l’Éducation de la Nouvelle-Écosse.
Trends in Intellectual Engagement
by: Penny Milton, Jodene Dunleavy, J. Douglas Willms
The Relationship Between Student Engagement and Academic Outcomes
by: Dr. Sharon Friesen, Penny Milton, Jodene Dunleavy, J. Douglas Willms
Assessment, School CommunityMagazine
by: Jodene Dunleavy
EdTech & Design, Engagement, Opinion, Promising Practices, School CommunityEdwire
Engagement, Opinion, Promising PracticesEdwire
Junior High School Students Speak About the Impact of Student Voice and Involvement
Engagement, Promising PracticesMagazine
by: Max Cooke, Jodene Dunleavy
EdTech & Design, Engagement, OpinionEdwire
Assessment, Engagement, PolicyMagazine
Assessment, Engagement, EquityMagazine
by: Jodene Dunleavy, Penny Milton
Engagement, Pathways, Promising PracticesMagazine
EdTech & Design, Engagement, School CommunityMagazine
by: Penny Milton, Jodene Dunleavy
Exploring the Concept of Student Engagement and its Implications for Teaching and Learning in Canada
par : Penny Milton, Jodene Dunleavy, J. Douglas Willms
par : Sharon Friesen, Ph.D, Penny Milton, Jodene Dunleavy, J. Douglas Willms
Communauté scolaire, ÉvaluationMagazine
par : Jodene Dunleavy
Engagement, Pratiques prometteusesMagazine
par : Max Cooke, Jodene Dunleavy
EngagementThe Facts on Education
par : Penny Milton, Jodene Dunleavy
Politique, Pratiques prometteuses
Quality research, reports, and professional learning opportunities.
Language Preference Langue de correspondance EnglishFrançais EnglishFrançais