
What is our vision for student success in the aftermath of the pandemic?

This is Education Canada, powered by voiced Radio, a cross-platform professional learning experience that gathers researchers and practitioners from right across Canada to help us explore some of those big-picture questions facing all of us about the future of education post-pandemic. This March edition’s essential question that we will focus on is:

What is our vision for student success in the aftermath of the pandemic?

To deepen your knowledge, read these in-depth articles and join the conversation featuring the researchers in this very podcast episode.


Distress Undermines Learning By Claire Crooks, Psychologist, Researcher, Professor, Western University

Taking Action to Limit Learning Impacts from the Pandemic By Dr. Kelly Gallagher-Mackay, Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Christine Corso, PhD Candidate, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto

Reimagining Student Success in the Aftermath of the Pandemic By Dr. Ann Lopez, Professor, Teaching Stream, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated? By Dr Joel Westheimer, University Research Chair in Democracy and Education, University of Ottawa


Join us on Monday, May 16th for a 90-minute live conversation that will provide an opportunity for the researchers and audience to weigh in on this important question from their own unique perspectives. Whether you’re a classroom teacher, a school administrator, a parent, a student, or a policy-maker, all are welcomed. Sign up here.

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