EdCan Network Authors

Ellen_Field (headshot)

Dr. Ellen Field

Adjunct Professor & SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow

Elwin LeRoux

Deputy Minister, Education and Early Childhood Development of Nova Scotia

Emanuelle_Dufour Éducation Canada

Emanuelle Dufour

Doctorante, Éducation par les arts, Université Concordia

Émilie Deschênes

Dr. Émilie Deschênes

Professeure, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT)

Emily Larson

Senior Advisor, The Behavioural Insights Team

Éric Frenette

Professeur titulaire, Université Laval

Eric Rosenberg

Teacher, facilitator, and curriculum designer

Éric Morissette

Professeur agrégé, Université de Montréal

Erica Hodgin

Dr. Erica R Hodgin

Associate Director, Civic Engagement Research Group, UC Riverside

Erin Schulthies

Erin Schulthies

Writer, artist, and mental health advocate across the Internet

Dr. Erin Keith

Erin Keith

Sessional lecturer

Erin Reid

Erin Reid

Educator-researcher, Centre for Civic Religious Literacy; McGill University