Sarah Garr
Vice Principal, Steveston-London Secondary
Sarah Garr is currently a Vice Principal in the Richmond school district #38 in British Columbia. She also speaks at conferences and facilitates sessions on creating successful, inclusive school communities, with a central focus on relationships. Having overcome her own challenges in school, Sarah passionately believes in the need to support and celebrate all learners. An essential component of any school culture is transparent and honest communication and a desire to build trusting relationships between students, staff, parents and community members. In the midst of an ever-changing educational landscape, strength-based leadership is key in supporting the growth and development of students and staff. Sarah is privileged to have had the opportunity to share her story through her TEDx talk, “What is Success?”, on the need to re-define traditional definitions of success to be more inclusive of all learners. Sarah is also able to share her journey in educational leadership through her blog, Writing My Way Into Understanding.