EdCan Exclusive School District Membership Benefits

With your School District Membership you have access to a wide variety of resources you and your staff can use to support your work.


Capacity Building

  • Access to Workplace Wellbeing solutions for all school and district staff, including the Well at Work Advisors service which can be customized to meet the needs of your District.
  • Timely and relevant professional development opportunities. 

The Well at Work K-12 Leadership Course is a free expert-developed online professional learning course offered asynchronously, which focuses on making systemic change at the school district level across Canada as it pertains to workplace wellbeing. The Certificate of Completion is available for free for EdCan members!


Innovative Research & Knowledge Mobilization


Preferred Rates

Networking and Peer-to-peer Sharing

  • Sign up to our monthly e-newsletter Bulletin for the latest education news and research
  • Share your current workplace initiatives with our pan-Canadian network. 
  • Join the Pan-Canadian Well at Work Community of Practice. In this Community of Practice, you will find:
    • Connections to people with specific K-12 workplace wellbeing expertise/experience.
    • A chance to hear promising practices and lessons learned from others working to improve workplace wellbeing in K-12 schools across Canada.
    • A place to share what you’ve learned, ask questions and improve understanding.

We are happy to provide you with more information. Please contact us at membership@edcan.ca