Improving Educators’ Resiliency to Stress

Bien-être anglais

conférencier : Dr Andrew Miki et Dr Matthew Balcarras
quand : Jour 1 – session 2


Training your brain to increase mental fitness, decision-making skills, assertiveness, and confidence

Educators draw upon their professional experience to create a process to run school districts, schools, and classrooms, but typically, they don’t have a process to manage their own stress.

Using strategies based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, participants will learn techniques to increase their ability to detect early signs of stress, regulate their emotions, and resolve stressful issues. Practicing these strategies leverages the brain’s neuroplasticity to create more positive connections and break old problematic ones.

“One in three Canadians will experience mental health problems. Canadian educators work in a demanding and potentially high stress profession. Overall, this can increase the prevalence of anxiety and depression. This workshop will help educators understand the triggers that affect their mental health and teach specific evidence based skills to improve resilience to stress.” – Dr. Andrew Miki