researchED Toronto
Come and learn what the latest research tells us about the best ways to teach, lead schools, and help children learn.
researchED is coming to Canada with the first ever researchED conference and it’s in the downtown heart of Toronto, Canada’s largest city. Come and learn what the latest research tells us about the best ways to teach, lead schools, and help children learn. Founder of the U.K. researchED movement, Tom Bennett, will be the headliner of the first researchED conference to be held in Canada on November 10 and 11, 2017 atGeorge Ignatieff Theatre and Trinity College, University of Toronto, 15 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON M5S 2C8
Come and learn what the latest research tells us about the best ways to teach, lead schools, and help children learn. Listen, learn and speak to the researchers, teachers and academics transforming the best research into teaching practice. Network, get ideas, be challenged and ask questions at one of the most unique, stimulating and engaging events of the year. Join us as we bring researchED to a new audience in Canada.
For comment or further information, contact Paul W. Bennett, Chair, researchED Toronto at (902) 233-2414 or Interviews with researchED founder Tom Bennett can also be arranged through