presenter: Andrew Retchless
when: Day 1 – Session 3
Toxic school cultures create high levels of stress throughout the entire building. Teacher’s are less productive, student learning stagnates and change projects get derailed. It’s essential to develop healthy school cultures for everyone’s well-being.
Participants will be challenged to reflect on the current state of their own “cultures” and build understanding for why some people react so negatively to change initiatives and why positive collaboration does not take place without building trust. They will leave with a clear set of tasks to initiate improvements to their own work environments.
“Education is an emotional profession. Yes, we need the technical structures, but at the end of the day it’s all about relationships. For support staff, teachers and administrators, the emotional intelligence required to manage cultural change must be supported by a clear framework that allows people to feel secure enough to “believe” in the collective direction the group is taking to improve the educational process in their milieu.” – Andrew Retchless