Barry Dyck
Tim Fafard
Principal, St. Gregory Catholic School
Jay Michael Fladager
Principal Seven Stones Community School
Michael Fox
Department of Geography & Environment, Mount Allison University
Sarah Garr
Vice Principal, Steveston-London Secondary
Robert Gendron
Directeur général de la Commission scolaire de Montréal (CSDM)

Sheila Giesbrecht
Student Success Consultant, Manitoba Education
Brandon Grasley
High school teacher in Northern Ontario
Jill Handrigan
Katia Hildebrandt
PhD Candidate and Sessional Instructor, Faculty of Education, University of Regina
Stephen Hurley
Education Consultant, Catalyst, voicEd Radio
Claire IsaBelle
Université d'Ottawa, Faculté d'Éducation
John Jagersma
Executive Director, AISCA
Kevin Kaardal
Directeur général, Central Okanagan Public Schools