Purchase a print copy of the Education Canada magazine

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Published since 1949, our bilingual quarterly magazine is rooted in the Canadian education experience and perspective and is considered a trusted source for research and opinion on some of the most pressing issues facing our education systems.

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Why get our magazine in print?

Whether it’s to distribute at an event, use at a professional development session, share with your students or your staff, or read for pleasure, these are all great reasons to get the print version of our magazine.

Education Canada magazine has been distributed for over 70 years!

While we can not ensure the availability of all editions published in the last 70 years, you can consult our archives to discover the themes that we have already discussed.

Consult the list of our upcoming themes and order your copies in advance to make sure they will be available.


$10 per copy + shipping + taxes.

Bulk rates available.

Email contact: publications@edcan.ca

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