Check out or re-experience this presentation (784.91 kB / pdf)
Downloadpresenter: Sheldon Franken
when: Day 1 – Session 2
Using games and activities to promote self-awareness, self-regulation, social-awareness, relationship skill, and responsible decision making – the foundations for resiliency
Increase the size and scope of your social and emotional learning activity toolbox by experiencing how to effectively use movement-based activities to engage students in learning about themselves and each other. These tools and resources can be used in your classrooms and schools immediately.
Come ready to be active, participate, and engage in a variety of adventure and experiential based social-emotional learning and resiliency activities. Participants will leave the workshop with practical tools that they can take back to their schools and classrooms immediately, adaptable to meet the learning needs of any population.
“Social-Emotional Learning is about building self and social-awareness to enable change and growth – the foundations of resiliency. Adventure Education is the use of kinaesthetic activities to promote learning. This workshop will explore experiential and adventure based games and activities that can be used to enhance social-emotional learning, well-being, and resiliency with all students.” –Sheldon Franken