Auteurs et Autrices du Réseau ÉdCan

Ashleigh Mara White image placeholder

Ashleigh Mara White

Teacher, Tredway Woodsworth Public School, Toronto District School Board

Jess Whitley

Professeure d'éducation inclusive, Faculté d'éducation, Université d'Ottawa

James Wilson

Deputy Minister, Manitoba Education and Training

Carole Wilson

Responsable du développement professionnel, Associations des directions et directions adjointes franco-ontariennes (ADFO)


Andrew Wilton

Educator, recently retired from Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB

Ilene Winokur, Ph. D.

Retired Educator and President, ISTE Global Collaboration Network

Susan Winton

Sue Winton

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, York University

John Wong_headshot

John Wong

Director, Community & Fund Development, Brilliant Labs

Andrew Woodall

Dean of Students, Concordia University