Auteurs et Autrices du Réseau ÉdCan

Dave Wagner

David Wagner

Associate Dean in the Faculty of Education at the University of New Brunswick

Keith Walker, Ph. D.

Professor, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan

James Daniel Walsh

Bachelor of Education Student, University of Calgary

Dr. Wei Fang

Fei Wang, Ph. D.

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia

Derek Wasyliw

Master’s student in the Kinesiology and Physical Education Graduate Program at McGill University

Robert Watt Education Canada

Robert Watt



Yifeng Wei, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University

Chris Wejr headshot

Chris Wejr

Principal, Shortreed Elementary School, Langley Schools

Dr. Kristopher Wells

Kristopher Wells, Ph. D.

Professeur agrégé au Département des soins à l’enfance et à la jeunesse de la faculté de santé et des études communautaires de l’Université MacEwan

Joel Westheimer, Ph. D.

University Research Chair in the Sociology of Education, University of Ottawa