Advisory Council

Terry Hall

Superintendent, Newfoundland and Labrador English School District

Vani Jain

Executive Director, The Daymark Foundation

Heather Keam

EdCan Director - Consulting Director, Asset-Based Community Development & Belonging Strategy, Tamarack Institute

Gwen Keith

Retired Director of Education, Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division

Frédéric Lavoie

Coordonnateur, Équipe pédagonumérique, Service de la transformation numérique et des ressources informationnelles (STNRI), Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries

Susie Lee-Fernandes

Director of Professional Learning and Engagement, Ontario Principals Council (OPC)

Madeleine Lemire

Executive Director, Consortium provincial francophone

Elwin LeRoux

Deputy Minister, Education and Early Childhood Development of Nova Scotia

Normand Lessard

EdCan Director - Directeur exécutif, Association des directions générales scolaires du Québec (ADGSQ)

Tanya Lewis image placeholder

Tanya Lewis

Director, Curriculum and Assessment, Yukon Department of Education, Government of Yukon

Christian Michalik

EdCan Director - Superintendent , Louis Riel School Division

Sherri Moore-Arbour

EdCan Director - Co-founder and CEO of BUNYAAD Public Affairs


Arlene Morell

President, Canadian Home and School Federation

Nandini Mulliah

EdCan Director - Canada Finance Leader/CFO, AON Canada

Dr. Nathan Ngieng

EdCan Director - Deputy Superintendent, Abbotsford School District

Nancy Pynch-Worthylake

Executive Director, Canadian School Boards Association