Advisory Council


Arlene Morell

President, Canadian Home and School Federation

Charlie Guy headshot

Charlie Guy

Senior Career & Leadership Coach at CareerJoy

Christian Michalik

EdCan Director - Superintendent , Louis Riel School Division

Dr. Curtis Brown


David Allnutt

Editor-in-Chief, Industry & Higher Education

Doug Sheppard

Superintendent/CEO, Delta School District

Elwin LeRoux

Deputy Minister, Education and Early Childhood Development of Nova Scotia

Eric Ward image placeholder

Eric Ward

Strategic Planning, Coordination & Intergovernmental Affairs Branch, Strategic Policy & Planning Division, Ontario Ministry of Education

Roher-Eric M headshot

Eric M. Roher

EdCan Director - Counsel, Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association

Eugénie Congi

Consultante en éducation, bilingue

Francis Bennett image placeholder

Francis Bennett

Director, Change Leadership: Strategic Partnerships, System Excellence, and Applied Research, Government of New Brunswick

Frédéric Lavoie

Coordonnateur, Équipe pédagonumérique, Service de la transformation numérique et des ressources informationnelles (STNRI), Centre de services scolaire des Premières-Seigneuries

Geraldine de Fazio

Head of Learning, Strategy and Innovation at Montcrest School & International Baccalaureate consultant

Gilad Babchuk

Co-Founder and CEO, Compass

Greg Thomas, MSc.

EdCan Director - Pricing Strategy and Research Consultant, Iris Pricing Solutions

Gwen Keith, M.Ed., M.Ed.

RaiseHer Co. and Retired CEO K-12 Education in Sask.