Promising Practices
Network Voices
Well at Work
Web Exclusives
Special thanks to Diana Pham for the wonderful illustrations she created for this very important edition of Education Canada.
Staff at all levels of our education system are subject to stress and exhaustion caused by daily systemic pressures, expectations and factors beyond their control. This issue of Education Canada puts the spotlight on how we can (and why we must) strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of K-12 staff, in turn enabling them to achieve healthier schools and better learning experiences for students. Specific article topics may range from creating organizational cultures that foster workplace well-being; the well-being of education leaders and front-line staff; identifying and challenging the mindsets, assumptions and public perceptions towards the well-being of K-12 educators that hinder change; and lessons from interventions in other sectors. We aim to showcase innovations in healthy work environments and to translate emerging research into practical tools and approaches to support workplace well-being as a top priority.
Cover photo: Diana Pham
Advertisers: Dyson Canada, Extron Electronics, Edvance Software, Ontario Teachers’ Federation, Solution Tree, Staples/Business Depot Office Supplies
Advertiser insert:Stitt Feld Handy Group Inc.
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