Le Réseau ÉdCan

The EdCan Network is an independent national organization supporting thousands of courageous Canadian K-12 educators, researchers and partner groups dedicated to ensuring that all students receive the best possible learning experiences.



Les faits en éducation

2023-2024 Perspectives de notre travail


Le Réseau ÉdCan vous présente les membres de son Conseil d’administration et de son Conseil consultatif de 2022-2023


Les lauréates 2021 du prix Pat-Clifford


Le Réseau ÉdCan vous présente les membres de son conseil d’administration et de son conseil consultatif de 2021-2022

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCanEdFils

Canada Vie remet 25 000 $ au Réseau ÉdCan à l’appui d’une formation sur le bien-être au travail destinée aux dirigeants du secteur de l’éducation primaire et secondaire

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCanEdFils

Le Réseau ÉdCan vous présente les membres de son conseil consultatif pour 2020-2021

Diversité, ÉquitéEdFils

Promouvoir l’équité, l’inclusion et le respect

Bien dans mon travail, BienêtreBalados

Leadership transformationnel, bien-être, résilience

Bien dans mon travail, BienêtreBalados

L’accompagnement et le soutien chez le personnel scolaire

Bien dans mon travail, BienêtreBalados

La résilience et le bien-être à l’école

Bien dans mon travail, BienêtreBalados

La santé mentale, les outils sociaux-émotionnels et la pleine conscience


COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE : Il est grand temps d’investir dans le bien-être du personnel scolaire

Ken Spencer Awards 2019

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCanEdFils

Les meilleurs programmes novateurs en matière d’éducation primaire et secondaire au Canada bousculent les convenances de l’enseignement traditionnel

EdCan Research Watch

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCan, Le Réseau ÉdCanEdFils

Veille de recherche ÉdCan


Comment évaluer les apprentissages grâce à l’autoévaluation

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCanEdFils

Le Réseau ÉdCan mise sur le bien-être au travail dans les écoles primaires et secondaires

Comment les enseignants peuvent-ils susciter l’engagement des élèves multilingues ?

Pratiques prometteuses, RechercheEdFils

Construire des ponts, non des murs

Fausses nouvelles

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCanEdFils

La recherche révèle comment enseigner aux élèves à identifier les fausses nouvelles

Brooke Madden, Pat Clifford Award Winner

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCanEdFils

Comment le fait de reconnaitre les perspectives coloniales à l’école peut faire progresser l’enseignement sur la vérité et la réconciliation

Call for applications Ken Spencer 2018

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCan, Pratiques prometteusesEdFils

APPEL AUX CANDIDATURES: prix Ken-Spencer 2018

Sandra Becker_Pat Clifford Ceremony

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCanEdFils

Réfuter le mythe selon lequel les laboratoires ouverts ne sont qu’une passade

Rapport Rassembler les communautés pour mieux soutenir nos élèves

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCan, Communauté scolaire, Pratiques prometteuses, RechercheEdFils

Nouveau guide de référence sur la persévérance scolaire

Actualité du Réseau ÉdCanEdFils

Palmarès des sept programmes scolaires les plus novateurs au Canada


5 articles sur le santé mentale des étudiants

Apprentissage autochtone, Design technopédagogique

Apprentissage inspiré de la terre


Est-ce que les élèves canadiens sont engagés?

The Facts on Education

2023-2024 Insights from our Work


The EdCan Network Announces its 2022-2023 Board of Directors and Advisory Council

Supporting Students’ Mental Health For Post-COVID Recovery Discussion Guide


2021 Pat Clifford Award Winners


The EdCan Network Announces its 2021-2022 Board of Directors and Advisory Council

Research, Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

The Escalating Crisis of Violence Against Educators (Part 2)

Research, Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

The Escalating Crisis of Violence Against Educators (Part 1)

Well at WorkWell at Work

Workplace wellness while busy doing other things

Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

Workplace wellness isn’t a program

EdCan Network NewsEdwire

Canada Life contributes $25,000 to the EdCan Network to support leadership training on workplace wellbeing in the K-12 education sector

EdCan Network NewsEdwire

The EdCan Network Announces its 2020-2021 Advisory Council

Research, Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

COVID-19’s Second Wave: How are teachers faring with the return to physical schools?

Promising Practices, Well at WorkWell at Work

Taking a SGM-inclusive approach to education

Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

Supporting LGBTQ2+ teachers in the workplace

Research, Well at Home, Well at WorkWell at Work

COVID-19: Supporting Teachers in Times of Change

Research, Well at WorkWell at Work

The changing nature of principals’ work

Research, Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

The value of belonging at work

Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

School is a workplace

Research, Well at WorkWell at Work

How should we be talking about weight in schools?

Promising Practices, Well at WorkWell at Work

It takes a village: A Comprehensive School Health approach to well-being

Teaching, Well at WorkWell at Work

ANCHOR Learning: What is it and why is it important post-COVID?

Promising Practices, Well at WorkWell at Work

Positive Reframing: How to find the good in a stressful situation

Promising Practices, Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

Positive Psychology in the K-12 Workplace

Diversity, EquityEdwire

Promoting Equity, Inclusion, and Respect

Well at Work, Well-being

COVID-19: The Demoralization of Educators

Well at Work, Well-being

Teaching and Learning from home

Well at Work, Well-being

Mental health: A private affair?

Promising Practices, Well at Work

How to “drum away” stress and burnout

Well at Work, Well-being

The Ups and Downs of Co-Teaching

Teaching, Well at Work

Making a Drastic Change in my Teaching Career

Promising Practices, Well at Work

The Action-Driven Change Framework

Equity, Well at Work

Racism and K-12 Workplace Well-Being

Well at Work, Well-being

What does it mean to flourish in your work?

Leadership, Well at Work

Principal SEL: What’s it look like?

Well at Work, Well-being

Are education systems designed to care for teachers?

Leadership, Well at Work

Empowering Staff to Drive Well-Being Forward

Well at Work, Well-being

Losing My Voice

Well at Work, Well-beingWell at Work

Recess for Everyone

Well at Work, Well-being

Self-Reg Isn’t Just for Kids

Well at Work, Well-being

3 Steps to Districtwide Staff Well-Being

Well at Work, Well-being

Beyond the Cone of Silence

Well at Work, Well-being

So you want me to talk?

Well at Work, Well-being

What does it mean to change “the system?”

Promising Practices, Well at Work, Well-being

Who’s taking care of YOU?

Well at Work, Well-being

Downtime for principals?

Teaching, Well at Work, Well-being

Are schools more stressful places to work?

Well at Work, Well-being

The Teacher Mom Struggle is Real

Research, Teaching, Well at Work, Well-being

How are you REALLY feeling?

School Community, Well at Work, Well-being

The Secret to Healthy, Happy Educators

Diversity, Equity

Understanding Myths and Misconceptions about LGBTQ2 Youth at School

Diversity, Equity

Welcoming Gender Diversity in Schools and Classrooms

Suicide Prevention Press Release


3 little-known myths about youth suicide prevention

Ken Spencer Awards 2019

EdCan Network NewsEdwire

Canada’s Top Innovative K-12 Programs Break the Mould of Traditional Schooling

Merchant_Discussion kit cover image (1)


Assessing Students’ Work Habits

Deluca_Discussion kit cover image


Rethinking How You Grade

EdCan Network NewsEdwire

EdCan Network Leads Ambitious Campaign to Prioritize Workplace Wellbeing in K-12 Education

Fake News

EdCan Network NewsEdwire

New fact sheet outlines evidence-based strategies to hone students’ critical thinking skills in a world where we can no longer simply trust what we read and see

Brooke Madden, Pat Clifford Award Winner

EdCan Network NewsEdwire

How Acknowledging Colonial Perspectives in Schools Can Advance Truth and Reconciliation Education

Call for applications Ken Spencer 2018

EdCan Network News, Promising PracticesEdwire

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 2018 Ken Spencer Award

Sandra Becker_Pat Clifford Ceremony

EdCan Network NewsEdwire

Dispelling the Myth that Makerspaces are a Passing Trend

EdCan NetworkEdwire

Your Top 10 Summer Reading List

Rapport Rassembler les communautés pour mieux soutenir nos élèves

EdCan Network News, Promising Practices, Research, School CommunityEdwire

New guidebook on early school leaving

Report The Rural Advantage: Rallying Communities Around Our Students

School Community

A guide for leading dropout prevention in your small town

EdCan Network NewsEdwire

Announcing Canada’s Top 7 Innovative School Programs

EdCan Network Against bullying and Cyberbullying

EdCan Network, Equity, Well-beingEdwire

Bullying has no place in our schools


5 Learning Resources About Student Mental Health

Cover of the EdCan Network Land-Based Learning Report

EdTech & Design, Indigenous Learning

Land-Based Learning

Assessment, Opinion, Well at WorkEdwire

The Art of Conversation

Diversity, Equity, Opinion, School Community, Well at WorkEdwire

The Salmon Forest of Education

EdTech & DesignMagazine

From the Edublogs / Extraits des édublogues

Engagement, School Community

What did you do in school today?