Donald E. M. Glendenning
Don Glendenning spent a lifetime serving the cause of education. Born and raised in a farming community on the banks of the Miramichi in New Brunswick, he attended the little Branch School, the Miramichi Rural High School (the first of its kind in that Province), New Brunswick Teachers’ College and the New Brunswick Institute of Technology and was both a teacher and principal in the New Brunswick education system.
He is probably best known in his role as Founding President of Holland College where he served for 18 years. During his tenure, Holland College was known for its individualized and competency based learning model, the School of Visual Arts, the Atlantic Police Academy and the Culinary Institute of Canada.
His interests and experience included head of Vocational Teacher Training at NBIT. international consulting on education, a founding member of the Community Foundation of Prince Edward Island, membership in national education organizations including President of the Canadian Vocational Association, represented Canada on two occasions at OECD meetings in Paris. Publications include a History of involvement of the Federal Government in Technical and Vocational Education, newsletters for a number of organizations, chapter in a book on technical education in Mexico, column in the Canadian Vocational Journal
Along the way, he earned a Ph.D., was awarded the Order of Canada, and an Ll. D (hon), Rotary mentorship ward with the Charlottetown Rotary, and an LLD. From UPEI.
He and his wife, Carol, reside in Charlottetown, PEI.
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