Greg Thomas has been a business strategy consultant for the past 20+ years. He has worked with 200+ medical, agricultural and industrial technology companies. The focus of his research and analytics consulting has been to understand customers’ trade-offs between value and price. Greg has also worked with some of the leading professional associations in North America, helping them re-design their membership fees structures and value propositions. Greg brings a unique blend of experience in research, pricing, economics, sales, marketing and finance to bear on clients’ business challenges.
Nandini Mulliah is a seasoned business-focused Executive with over 18+ years of experience and valued partner to Presidents/CEOs and executive teams with financial and operational responsibility and a proven ability to develop, shape and execute on strategies that support growth (organic & M&A), streamline costs, guide transformations, create operational efficiencies, motivate teams, and deliver results in a complex, fast-paced matrixed environment to create an impact. Tasked with mix of private and public financial environments, with an emphasis on financial planning and analysis to support strategic analysis and decision making. Recognized leader and trusted advisor with a reputation for adopting a collaborative approach to problem solving and risk management, in support of driving new business growth and development. Notable for implementing organizational improvements that allow for accountability, sustainability and transparency by managing and transforming finance as a strategic function to build, enable and preserve value while optimizing the effectiveness of HR, Operations & IT and helping to lay foundation for stable, long-term growth.
Tom D’Amico is the Director of Education of the Ottawa Catholic School Board. An award-winning educator with over 30 years of experience, Tom has been recognized with the Prime Minister’s Award for teaching excellence and with Canada’s Outstanding Principal award. As a Superintendent, he received the EXL award to recognize excellence among members of the superintendency. Tom has presented across Canada on the topics of educational technology and leadership in the 21st Century. He’s also the Canadian co-lead for New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL), a global partnership of over 3,000 schools across 18 countries focused on practices to develop deep learning and the development of global competencies.
Tom D’Amico est directeur de l’éducation de l’Ottawa Catholic School Board. En plus de 30 ans de carrière comme éducateur, il a reçu le Prix du premier ministre pour l’excellence en enseignement et, à titre de surintendant, le prix EXL qui reconnaît l’excellence parmi les gestionnaires scolaires. M. D’Amico a fait des présentations un peu partout au Canada sur les sujets de la technologie éducative et du leadership au XXIe siècle. Il est également cochef canadien de New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL), un partenariat réunissant plus de 1 500 écoles de 14 pays qui se penche sur les pratiques pour favoriser un apprentissage en profondeur et l’acquisition de compétences globales.
Julie Wright is a City Councillor in Waterloo, Ontario and the National Director of Our Living Waters, a collaborative Network of organizations working together to achieve the ambitious goal of ‘all waters in good health by 2030’. Previously, she was Director of Partners for Action, a research initiative at the University of Waterloo that focuses on flood risk and resilience. Prior to her role at the university, she led Waterloo Global Science Initiative (WGSI) through its start-up phase to successfully launching a decade-long Summit series and catalyzing collaborations related to each event. Her early career work includes ten years in communications and public affairs roles for companies, clients, and campaigns in the tech, cultural and non-profit sectors at the forefront of sector disruption.
Dr. Nicholas Ng-A-Fook is a Full Professor and Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Ottawa. He is the former Director of the Teacher Education and Indigenous Teacher Education Programs at the Faculty of Education. Nicholas is actively engaged in addressing the 94 Calls to Action put forth by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, in partnership with local Indigenous and school board communities. He is a Past-President of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, the largest research association in Canada. For his ongoing service to his field of study, in 2018 Nicholas received the Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies Ted. T. Aoki Distinguished Service Award. He is also the co-editor for the University of Ottawa Press Education Series.
Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, Ph. D., est professeur titulaire et vice-doyen des études supérieures à l’Université d’Ottawa. Ancien directeur des programmes Teacher Education et Indigenous Teacher Education à la Faculté de l’éducation, il participe activement aux 94 appels à l’action lancés par la Commission de vérité et réconciliation, en partenariat avec les communautés autochtones locales et les conseils scolaires. M. Ng-A-Fook est aussi le président sortant de la Société canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation, la plus grande association de recherche au Canada. En 2018, il a reçu le Prix ACÉC de services émérites Ted T. Aoki de l’Association canadienne pour l’étude du curriculum (ACÉC) qui souligne sa contribution indéfectible à son domaine d’expertise. Il est également coéditeur de la série Éducation, publiée par les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.
Kathryn Goddard leverages her over 30 years of not-for-profit fundraising experience to help organizations build fundraising strategies. Up until recently, as VP, Products and Channels for World Vision Canada, Kathryn provided leadership over product and channels, which allowed World Vision to build meaningful relationships between Canadians and children around the world. She joined World Vision in 1989 and since then, held several senior-level marketing roles at WVC. During this time, she was instrumental in advancing key partnership initiatives including revitalizing child sponsorships.
Forte de plus de 30 ans au service d’organisme sans but lucratif, Kathryn Goddard aide des organisations à mettre sur pied des stratégies de financement. Jusqu’à tout récemment, en sa qualité de vice-présidente, Produits et canaux pour Vision mondiale Canada, Kathryn a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la promotion des produits et des canaux, permettant ainsi à Vision mondiale de tisser des liens significatifs entre les Canadiens et les enfants du monde entier. Engagée par l’organisme en 1989, Mme Goddard a occupé plusieurs postes de cadre supérieure en marketing chez Vision mondiale Canada. Pendant cette période, elle a fait progresser plusieurs initiatives clés de partenariat et donné un nouveau souffle au parrainage d’enfants.
Eric M. Roher is Counsel with the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association. He practices in the areas of labour relations, collective bargaining, education law and employment law. He is the co-author of An Educator’s Guide to the Role of the Principal, Third Edition, An Educator’s Guide to Safe Schools and Ontario Employment Standards Act, Quick Reference Guide. Mr. Roher is the author of An Educator’s Guide to Violence in Schools and Canadian Law Reporter Special Report: Violence in the Workplace, Fourth Edition. He was Senior Counsel and National Leader of the Education Law Group with Borden Ladner Gervais LLP in Toronto, where he worked for 36 years. Mr. Roher was an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law for 18 years, where he taught Education Law.
Christian Michalik is the Superintendent of the Louis Riel School Division (LRSD), a Division encompassing 41 schools with over 15,500 students in the south-east quadrant of Winnipeg, where he champions a journey of truth, reconciliation and the integration of Indigenous cultures in schools. Christian believes relationship is at the heart of learning and collaboration at the heart of leadership. He believes that building trust, promoting diversity, nurturing inclusion and championing equity are key values that a leader must always promote and nurture via shared decision-making, building a collective vision and purpose, and finding common ground with all members of the learning community helps to facilitate this positive change.
Christian Michalik est directeur de la Division scolaire Louis Riel, qui réunit 41 écoles et plus de 15 500 élèves du secteur sud-est de Winnipeg, où il préconise la recherche de la vérité, la réconciliation et l’intégration des cultures autochtones au sein des écoles. M. Michalik est d’avis que la qualité des relations est essentielle à l’apprentissage et que la collaboration est au cœur même du leadership. Il croit qu’un leader doit toujours bâtir la confiance de la population, promouvoir la diversité et l’inclusion et défendre l’équité. C’est en partageant la prise de décisions, en créant une vision et un but communs, et en trouvant un terrain d’entente entre tous les membres de la communauté d’apprentissage que l’on pourra mettre en place ces changements positifs.
Claire Guy is an experienced education systems leader, a champion for mental health and inclusion. She brings a wealth of experience supporting Indigenous, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI), English Language Learning, Diverse Abilities and Disabilities, and Anti-Racism education. Claire brings this lens to all her leadership activities as she works to promote equity, focusing on the high impact strategies she initiated as Assistant Superintendent in her former school district in Langley B.C., and now from a provincial perspective from her role as Executive Director for the BC School Superintendents Association (BCSSA).
Chef de file chevronnée des systèmes d’éducation, Claire Guy a à cœur la cause de la santé mentale et de l’inclusion. Elle possède une vaste expérience dans différents domaines de l’éducation, dont le soutien aux personnes autochtones, l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre, l’apprentissage de l’anglais, les capacités et les incapacités diverses, ainsi que la lutte contre le racisme. Mme Guy applique sa perspective unique dans toutes ses activités de leadership, que ce soit pour promouvoir l’équité, faire appliquer les stratégies efficaces qu’elle a mises sur pied dans le cadre de ses fonctions de directrice adjointe de son ancien district scolaire à Langley, en Colombie-Britannique, et maintenant dans un contexte provincial, dans son rôle de directrice générale de la BC School Superintendents Association (BCSSA).
Chef de file très respecté, Normand Lessard a consacré plus de 33 ans à sa carrière dans le monde de l’éducation au Québec. Avant d’accepter son poste actuel de directeur exécutif de l’Association des directions générales scolaires du Québec (ADGSQ), il a occupé pendant 13 ans le poste de directeur général du Centre de services scolaires de la Beauce-Etchemin, où il a mis en place un programme d’innovation ambitieux afin de répondre aux besoins de chaque élève.
Normand Lessard devoted over 33 years of his career as a highly respected education leader in Quebec. Prior to his current role as Executive Director for l’Association des directions générales scolaires du Québec (ADGSQ), he was Director General of the centre de services scolaire de la Beauce-Etchemin for 13 years, where he implemented an ambitious innovation agenda to champion the needs of every student.
Jacques Cool est natif du Nouveau-Brunswick et y a travaillé dans le système d’éducation publique pendant 31 ans ; enseignant de sciences, spécialiste en évaluation au CMEC, responsable provincial de programmes d’études et de la formation à distance au secondaire, coordonnateur en leadership des élèves, gestionnaire en e-learning à l’Université de Moncton, technopédagogue au Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick. De 2015 à sa retraite en 2021, il a dirigé l’organisme CADRE21, spécialisé en développement professionnel pour le personnel éducatif, à partir de Montréal, QC. Depuis avril 2023, il est avec Vireo Éducation à titre de catalyseur d’innovations pédagogiques. De plus, il a livré plus de 50 ateliers et conférences au Canada et dans le monde francophone. Il a siégé au comité éditorial de la revue Éducation Canada et maintient une veille active sur les réseaux sociaux. Il se définit « apprenant en mode beta perpétuel ».
Jacques Cool is a proud New Brunswicker, where he worked in public education for over 30 years as a high school science teacher, department head, provincial and national science assessment coordinator, assistant director for curriculum, e-learning developer and manager, student leadership coordinator, educational technology specialist, online assessment advisor and community schools advisor. He has also worked for the NB Department of Education, the Université de Moncton and the New Brunswick Community College. From 2015 until his retirement in 2021, Jacques directed the development of CADRE21, a pedagogical innovation organization devoted to teacher professional development in Quebec and Francophonie education systems across Canada. He is now working as a Pedagogical Innovation Catalyst with Vireo Education. He has given more than 50 conferences and workshops in Canada and elsewhere.
Anne MacPhee was the National Chief Operations Officer for the Canadian Mental Health Association. Anne has over 30 years of leadership, strategic and operational planning, developing meaningful performance measures, generating results and improving operational performance in the for profit and not for profit sectors.
Anne MacPhee est directrice nationale de l’exploitation, de l’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale. Elle possède plus de 30 ans d’expérience dans des rôles de leadership et de planification stratégique et opérationnelle, où elle a su élaborer des mesures du rendement utiles, produire des résultats et améliorer la performance opérationnelle pour les secteurs à but lucratif et sans but lucratif.