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Educator Well-being

Network Events, Professional Learning

Educator Well-Being

A Key to Student Success

A symposium for education leaders tasked with embedding wellness throughout their school communities

Read our event report

It’s time for education leaders to shift the conversation from ‘fixing symptoms’ to addressing how we can proactively develop wellness within entire school cultures because this issue concerns us all.

Check out or re-experience our presentations

Achieving Excellence for the Whole Child
by Denise DwyerPatrick Case

Making the Connection Between Youths’ Social Media Use and Their Well-being
by Dr. Valerie Steeves

Embedding Well-being as a Core Role for K-12 Education
Playing the Long Game to Embed Well-Being in all our Classrooms
by Dr. Kathy ShortDr. Katina Pollock and Vani Jain

and many more…

Find All Of Our Presentations

Why this event

The EdCan Network is concerned that the steep hike in reported cases of student anxiety[1] and suicidal ideation[2] is creating stress and emotional exhaustion among teachers.[3] Schools aren’t mental health treatment facilities principals and teachers cannot be expected to shoulder the entire burden.They can, however, be an important part of the solution.[4]

How can education leaders create a climate that supports well-being for all?

Discover our Schedule
Day 1 – Day 2

Our symposium will help you:

  • Understand the nuances of emotional, mental, physical, cognitive and workplace well-being perspectives from diverse school and classroom contexts.
  • Learn the ‘how-tos’ from leading experts, and successful school- and community-based wellness programs from across Canada.
  • Strategize success indicators for measuring impact when developing a culture of educator wellness in your schools.

Who should attend:

  • School Board Mental Health Leads and Administrators
  • Guidance and Pastoral Counsellors
  • Principals
  • Community Health and Social Workers


Exclusive access to experts

With our hands-on group discussions and case study presentations, you will return with new ideas for building resiliency in yourself, your colleagues and your students.

Meet our Speakers


Complementary event with our keynote speaker Dean Shareski

Ignite Your Passion for Discovery EdCan Network 2017

Proudly supported by:

Premier +



Well-Being Sponsors  Leader Sponsor Event   




 Indspire Well-being Encounters with Canada:Rencontres du Canada well-being  VOICE ED WELL-BEING


For sponsorship/partnership opportunities please contact Gilles Latour at 416-591-6300 ext 237 or email glatour@edcan.ca

[1] R.C. Kessler, P. Berglund, O. Demler et al, “Lifetime Prevalence and Age-of-Onset Distributions of DSM-IV Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication,” Archives of General Psychiatry 62, no. 6 (2005): 593-602. See also: Health Behaviours in School Aged Children, Ontario 2014 data, and The Mental Health and Well-Being of Ontario Students, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, 2016.

[2] Findlay, L.,“Health Reports: Depression and suicidal ideation among Canadians aged 15 to 24,” Statistics Canada (2017).

[3] D.M. Rothi, G. Leavey, and R. Best, “On the Front-Line: Teachers as active observers of pupils’ mental health,” Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008).

[4] Kenneth Leithwood et al., “School Leaders’ Influences on Student Learning: The four paths,” in The Principles of Educational Leadership and Management, eds. T. Bush, L. Bell, and D. Middlewood (London: Sage, 2012), p.1.


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