EdCan Network 2021 Advisory Council Meeting
Workplace Wellbeing in Canadian K-12 Education: Moving from Knowledge to Action
A two-hour online, invite-only session that will convene and connect K-12 education stakeholder and district leaders to explore and provide their crucial perspectives on key issues related to system-wide implementation of workplace wellbeing at the school district and provincial levels.
This session forms part of the EdCan Network’s five-year strategic priority of increasing workplace wellbeing for K-12 staff. Through its Well at Work program, EdCan has built awareness of the need to make workplace wellbeing a top policy and investment priority in the education sector – all while mobilizing a network of passionate educators, researchers, practitioners, and stakeholder groups. Beginning this school year, Well at Work will be expanding to include a range of supports and services for education leaders – including professional learning, advisory services, stakeholder engagement activities, and a study about the financial costs of stress and burnout – to further advance efforts to improve K-12 workplace wellbeing on a pan-Canadian scale.
A full description and agenda will be provided to participants in advance of the session. Participants will include EdCan Advisory Council members and special guests.