Corwin Deep Equity Institute
The Deep Equity framework addresses the dynamics of power, privilege, and the impact that implicit biases have on our schools and our students. This capacity-building approach to cultural competence and culturally responsive teaching empowers educators to close the racial and socio-economic gaps in student achievement. Deep Equity builds the foundation for organizational growth by giving educators the tools and skills to have authentic conversations, drive positive change, overcome equity barriers and become courageous leaders of cultural transformation.
The Corwin Equity Institute engages educators in the real work of school reform to create systemic change from the bottom up. Learning from real experiences of public school practitioners and students, attendees will leave with a renewed energy and a more engaging approach to their practice. Teachers and school leaders will gain a deeper understanding of how to impact change and discover what it takes to create more equitable learning experiences for all students.
At the Ottawa Deep Equity Institute, you will learn to:
- Build a climate of constructive collaboration
- Transcend the rhetoric of shame and blame
- Dismantle organizational barriers to equity and inclusion
- Connect cultural competence with student outcomes
- Implement action research and planning to achieve systemic change