Opinion, Promising Practices, School Community

Please take the CEA/Ipsos Attitudes Toward Public Education Survey

We’re capturing a cross-Canada picture of your views on educational change

It’s my pleasure to launch the 2012 CEA/Ipsos Public Attitudes Towards Public Education Survey. Over the years, CEA has explored different questions with Canadians through our national surveys. This year, we want to examine your views on innovation and change in public education.


It’s my pleasure to launch the 2012 CEA/Ipsos Public Attitudes Towards Public Education Survey. Over the years, CEA has explored different questions with Canadians through our national surveys. This year, we want to examine your views on innovation and change in public education.


CEA believes that Canadians share a strong commitment to building vibrant public education systems that contribute to the growth and development of children and youth, and cultivate their capacity to shape their lives, their communities, their workplaces, and their country. In capturing a cross-Canada picture of Canadians’ views on educational change, we believe this survey will contribute data that will ignite the types of discussions that can emerge among Canadians about the future of education in our country, and the qualities of a learning society that we desire for our children and for ourselves.

Your input is crucial to CEA, so please take ten minutes to fill out the survey and you never know – you could win the new iPad in the process. Thank you! 

Meet the Expert(s)

Ron Canuel

Ron Canuel

Ron Canuel is the former President and CEO of the Canadian Education Association. He has over 40 years of experience in the public education sector. As the former Director General of the Eastern Towns...

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