EdCan Research Watch

EdCan Network

EdCan Research Watch

Latest Research on Education

Education Research Highlights

Literacy and Essential Skills as a Poverty Reduction Strategy

This report by Frontier College, a national literacy organization, reveals how increased literacy enables Canadians to move out of poverty and recommends that governments should recognize literacy as a human right. One in five Canadians struggle with reading, writing or math, and millions more do not have the essential skills to succeed in today’s economy. The stigma surrounding low literacy, and the everyday systems and tasks that assume strong literacy skills, may affect a person’s ability to find and use the services they need to lift them out of poverty. Key findings include:

  • Awareness and accessibility to programs is the most significant challenge for stakeholders.
  • Project-based funding has increased innovation, but imperilled the sustainability of service providers.
  • Outcomes frameworks are often too narrow in scope and exclude the key indicators of program success that are recognized by practitioners and participants.

Redefining Access to Postsecondary Education

A dramatic rise in enrolment at Ontario’s colleges and universities over the past two decades has done little to achieve equitable access for those students who have been traditionally underrepresented in higher education, argues a new report by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO). Successive federal and provincial governments have sought to boost participation of underrepresented students by encouraging enrolment growth, expanding student financial assistance, capping tuition fees and providing targeted funding to institutions to recruit and support these students. Yet there is scant evidence that enrolment growth has reduced the participation gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students. The report argues that a new approach to access is needed, one that focuses limited provincial resources on helping underrepresented students rather than continuing to expand overall enrolment. And it argues that truly effective access policies and interventions must be applied at the K-12 sector. Read the report.

Creating a Common Vision: Issues and recommendations for K-12 arts education in New Brunswick

This report by ArtsLink NB, an Anglophone arts sector organization, discusses the status of K-12 arts education in New Brunswick and provides recommendations for improvement to match the success of the province’s Francophone system. This project builds on recommendations from David Campbell’s report, Sustaining New Brunswick’s Arts and Culture Workforce, as well as the province’s cultural policy, Creative Futures, and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s 10-year education plan, Everyone at their Best. This report is intended to contribute to a broader province-wide dialogue on enhancing arts education in the K-12 system. Read the report.

A Place Where it Feels Like Home: The Story of Tina Fontaine – Report by the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth

Tina Fontaine might always be known for the tragic way in which she died, but it is her life that is an important story worth knowing. It was on August 17, 2014, when most people would learn her name, but Tina’s story began long before that day. It began even before Tina was born on New Year’s Day in 1999. To know Tina’s story, to really understand how she came to symbolize a churning anger of a nation enraged, each of us can look as far back as the arrival of European settlers, and as close to home as the depth of our own involvement or indifference in the lives and experiences of Indigenous youth. Read the report.

Latest education research


Building Connections: Student Parent Support Worker Pilot Project
Via Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO)



School and Society in the Age of Trump
Via UCLA’s Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access (U.S.A.)

From a Nation at Risk to a Nation at Hope
Via The Aspen Institute (U.S.A.)

Balancing the Scale of Student Data Deletion and Retention in Education
Via Center for Democracy and Technology (U.S.A.)

How Parents and High Schools Can Cultivate Ethical Character and Reduce Distress in The College Admissions Process
Via Harvard Graduate School of Education (U.S.A.)

Do Developer-Commissioned Evaluations Inflate Effect Sizes? (working paper)
Via Johns Hopkins University – School of Education – Center for Research and Reform in Education (U.S.A.)

Mindfulness in the Classroom: Learning from a School-based Mindfulness Intervention through the Boston Charter Research Collaborative
Via Center for Education Policy Research (Harvard University), Massachusetts Institute of Technology & TransformEd



Understanding Environmental Education in secondary schools in England
Via King’s College London – School of Education, Communication and & Society – Environmental Education Research Group (U.K.)

From policy to pupil: why do teachers matter?
Via Cambridge University

Horizons report on emerging technologies and education
Via Jisc (U.K.)

Research on the Educational Psychologist Workforce
Via Department for Education England (U.K.)



Education and Socio-Economic Status – Estonian Case
Via Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC) – Zagreb; European Union (Estonia)



Global education monitoring report, 2019: Migration, displacement and education: building bridges, not walls

Helping our Youngest to Learn and Grow: Policies for Early Learning

Artificial Intelligence in Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development

Indigenous languages: knowledge and hope
Via The UNESCO Courier

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EdCan Network

The EdCan Network is the independent national organization with over 140,000 members working tirelessly to ensure that all students discover their place, purpose and path.

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