From the Edublogs / Extraits des édublogues
Social Media: Changing the Way We Educate / Les médias sociaux : un nouvel outil pédagogigue
This new department features snippets of thoughtful blog posts related to a particular article in each edition, from a variety of educators’ perspectives. In this debut feature, the following four blog posts shed more light on the issues raised in the article, Twitter and Canadian Educators.
Cette nouvelle rubrique présente des passages de billets de blogues pertinents se rapportant à un article en particulier de chaque édition et provenant de multiples perspectives en éducation. Ainsi, les quatre billets de blogue suivants éclairent les questions soulevées dans l’article intitulé « Twitter and Canadian Educators ».
Making the Case for Twitter
Blog: Thinking in Mind
Blogger: Neil Stephenson
Professional Development and Outreach Coordinator at the Calgary Science School
Twitter during presentations is participatory learning. When twitter works well it becomes a wonderful case study of the best of technology-supported learning:
- We are producing in addition to consuming. Effective tweets create, summarize, synthesize and connect ideas.
- We make our learning public. Tweeting takes our private notes and makes them public – for those at the event and those not.
- We are participating in a community of learners. Using Twitter this way allows user to read and respond to others at an event. We are no longer learning in isolation but are part of a network sharing our thoughts and connections about the event.
- We are engaging productively with content. Having tweeted myself at numerous education events, I find myself more connected, more engaged, and listening more closely to the message being shared.
How social media is changing education
Blog: The Wejr Board
Blogger: Chris Wejr, Principal of Kent Elementary School, Agassiz, B.C.
Before social media, there were pockets of brilliance in every school, district, and education system but very few people knew about them. In some countries education was (and still is) viewed as a “race to the top” in which you do not share ideas, you hoard them and hope that your ideas are better than others’. Schools competing with each other do not share ideas and, as a result, they do not grow as effectively. What social media has done is allowed the spreading of great ideas in more efficient manner.
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Education and Social Media in British Columbia
Blog: Culture of Yes
Blogger: Chris Kennedy, Superintendent of Schools/CEO of the West Vancouver School District
In the past year we have moved from several dozen blogs around K-12 education, to numbers in the hundreds, with representation in every area of the education system. The #bced tag on Twitter is one of the most engaged with conversations about the ever-changing education profession, and there are many other social sites having these conversations as well.
The conversations around the profession itself are very interesting. In social media, “role”becomes less important; there is a flattening of society and it is “ideas” that have increased value. There are also incredible opportunities to reflect, share, and learn without the limitations of geography. I could go on, and there have been many others who have covered the ground about the value of social media for educators, and how Twitter and blogging can be extremely powerful in professional development. This is true for those interested in education in BC, but it is also true of other professionals around the world.
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10 façons d’utiliser les réseaux sociaux efficacement dans les écoles
Blogue : PédagoTIC
Blogueur : Pierre Giroux, Ph.D.
Professeur au département des sciences de l’éducation de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Je vous présente un petit résumé traduit et commenté de l’article “Ten ways schools are using social media effectively“publié dans le journal eSchoolNews du 21 octobre 2011.
L’article débute en proposant quelques raisons pour lesquelles les réseaux sociaux ont parfois de la difficulté à entrer dans les écoles. On s’inquiète de l’intimidation, on questionne les relations apprenants-enseignants et on a peur que la sécurité de l’école soit compromise trop facilement. Pour trouver les 10 exemples proposés de bons usages des réseaux sociaux à l’école, eSchoolNews a demandé à ses lecteurs comment ils les utilisaient ou les utiliseraient s’ils le pouvaient…
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