Education Media/Blogosphere Roundup
There were a lot of education-related stories in the media this week covering a wide range of issues, from curriculum reform to cellphones in the classroom to the extinction of school librarians, and homophobia in the hallways. Get caught up on what’s happening by clicking through the stories during this nice long weekend.
What news are we missing? Please e-mail me at or better yet, use the comment box to suggest additional articles happening in your neck of the woods so that others can check it out.
Curriculum reform results not positive so far – Montreal Gazette
Discrimination in the hallways – Slurs a daily school occurrence: report – Winnipeg Free Press
Librarians fight for a role in a digital world – Globe and Mail
Black Students to get roadmap to success – Halifax Chronicle Herald
Battle over exemption from Quebec religious course reaches Supreme Court – Montreal Gazette
Toronto school board lifts cellphone ban – Toronto Star
University students fare better with interactive learning, study finds – Globe and Mail
A Discussion With Education Minister George Abbott – The Wejr Board (Chris Wejr)
A few weeks ago, a teacher whom I have come to know very well and whom I highly respect, David Wees, sent me a message on Twitter that he had an exciting opportunity to share. The following day, we caught up on the phone and he asked me if I would like to help moderate a discussion on Twitter with the Education Minister George Abbott! What a fantastic opportunity for people to engage Mr. Abbott in dialogue around education in British Columbia. I want to thank David for this opportunity and encourage all you to follow along on June 13th at 4:00pm PST on Twitter (hashtag #bced).
The special momentum of the status quo – Joe Bower
Have you ever noticed how little schooling has changed since your parents or even grandparents’ classroom days? I’ve often wondered how a classroom in 1985 Communist Russia would differ from one in 2011 Canada or America. Oh sure, there would be nuances with what kids were learning, but I fear how they were expected to do so would look freakishly similar. Regardless of time, place and political affiliation, behavioral conformity, worksheet completion and pre-test memorization would be the name of both games.
Kids Are Learning…Just Not in Ways We Want Them To – User Generated Education
Kids are learning . . . just not in the ways expected of them through formal education. Young people have always engaged in informal learning based on their interests and passions. Kids have found and initiated these opportunities in the past through school clubs, reading, local community centers, and neighborhood kids’ ballgames and performances. These informal learning opportunities have taken an astronomical metaphorical leap due to social networking and ease of access of interest-based information via online means. I am that not sure if those involved in the institutionalized education of young people are unaware or choose to ignore that young people are often learning more outside of the school than within that learning environment.
So…What do you do for a living? The Clever Sheep (Rodd Lucier)
For me, the most apt time for me to use a short, engaging presentation, is in introducing myself. Whether meeting educators for the first time, or striking up a conversation with fellow golfers on the tee block, I’d prefer to pitch myself as something more than ‘teacher’. I just don’t appreciate the baggage that sometimes comes with the job title, especially when I’m not sure about the other person’s past scholastic experience. Maybe that’s why my most recent name badge listed my job title as ‘Education Change Agent’.