CEA Research Awards Program – Important Updates
CEA proudly celebrates the innovative work of school and classroom practitioners, and researchers, through the Pat Clifford, Ken Spencer, and Whitworth Awards. These awards recognize their contributions, their promise, and their commitment to breaking new ground and revisiting commonly held assumptions in education policy, practice or theory in Canada.
Deadline for Pat Clifford Award Nominations – May 31, 2011
The Pat Clifford Award recognizes the work of emerging researchers. Applicants must be in the process of completing a Masters or Ph.D. OR have completed a Masters or Ph.D. in the last two years. To nominate a candidate, or apply for this award, please visit: www.cea-ace.ca/cliffordaward
Next Whitworth Award for Education Research to be presented in 2013
The Whitworth Award recognizes individuals who have made a sustained and substantial contribution to educational research. It will now be presented once every three years. This change will provide the time required to continually replenish the field of candidates while heightening the profile and prestige of the awards recognition activities. Nominations information will be distributed in the spring of 2013 and more detailed information about this award can be accessed at:
Stay Tuned for Application Deadline Announcement of the Ken Spencer Award
Now in its third year, the Ken Spencer Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning recognizes and publicizes groundbreaking innovative work unfolding in schools. To read about previous winners and to find out how your school can apply for this award, please visit: www.cea-ace.ca/kenspenceraward