Cdn EdWire – Drummond Report Dominates Canada’s Education Discourse
The influence of recommendations to cut Ontario’s all-day Kindergarten and increase class sizes could eventually be felt nationally.
Education cuts ‘misguided’ and ‘shocking,’ say experts – Toronto Star
Drummond report: Sweeping education reforms recommended – Toronto Star
Drummond Report: School boards fear loss of independence – Toronto Star
An argument against $$ for smaller classrooms – Vancouver Sun
Blunt Drummond report urges tough cuts to eliminate Ontario’s deficit – Postmedia
Quebec law targets bullying – Postmedia
Schools required to establish partnerships with police, social agencies in their area
Computers in classrooms don’t guarantee better education: report – Canadian Press
Reconsider Wi-Fi in schools, Ontario’s Catholic teachers warn boards – TO Star
Using technology in the classroom requires experience and guidance, report finds – Globe and Mail
Planning a school for the future – Regina Leader Post
Girls more likely than boys to feel depressed, survey finds – Postmedia
Female adolescents struggling with loneliness and isolation
Children ask Harper to ‘Have a Heart’ and improve education on reserves – Postmedia
Ottawa expected to argue it’s not responsible for services delivered
Alberta’s proposed Education Act targets schoolyard bullies – CBC
Aboriginal struggles at elite school reveal stark realities in Canadian education – Globe and Mail
N.S. to import Alberta’s math program – Halifax Chronicle Herald
Different Perceptions – Doug — Off the record
It was perfect timing, I suppose. It’s the day that the Report “Commission on the Reform of Ontario’s Public Services” on cost savings ideas in Ontario. The Huffington Post posted this article about how students see budget cuts affecting them. It’s not directly comparable as the survey data is from the US but it is interesting to see perceptions. The article is an interesting read – take the time – and at the end, a survey from students asked them where they thought that cost savings could be made in education…Read more
Driving Innovation in K-12 – The Culture of Yes
Some assumptions for the next 5 years:• Teachers and schools are status quo (sense of community/social-emotional learning)• Learning, not technology, is the driver• Good writing (and what we often call “the core” curriculum) still matters• Complex problems often have a simple solution• External inventions (like the iPad) will continue to impact what we do, and we have no control over this!• Teachers need to know where to begin: “personalization” and “digital literacy” are broad and ambiguous terms, so we need to narrow the framework• We can’t wait for the decisions of others. It is ”go” time…Read more
What Your Rules Say About You – At the Principal’s Office
Rules, rules, rules, everyone knows the key to success in school is to follow the rules.Unfortunately, this belief persists in many of todays classrooms and schools. Next time you are in a classroom take a look at the posted rules. Are they rules such as “no talking while the teacher is talking, stay in your desk during work time, raise your hand if you need help?” If so, I think these rules say a lot about the teacher, the work environment and the level of meaningful engaging tasks. They imply that the teacher is the only one who holds the knowledge, the teacher will give you great wisdom and knowledge if only you will listen and the work you undertake will be solitary and designed to measure how well you listen..Read More