Canadian EdWire – The back-to-school media crush begins
Advice on curbing back-to-school anxiety, homework meltdowns, and paying for school essentials, except in B.C., where a high-stakes labour dispute is ready to unfold.
Back to school: New rules help curb homework meltdowns – Toronto Star
How to curb your child’s back-to-school anxiety – Globe and Mail
The Dilemna of Paying for School Essentials – Ottawa Citizen
Photo courtesy of Caramel –
B.C. teachers talks off to a rocky start as back-to-school looms – Globe and Mail
A crash course on the B.C. teachers’ labour dispute – Globe and Mail
Embracing technology – Calgary
Schools are moving to integrate new devices into the educational process
Ontario picks up tab for new French school in Etobicoke – Globe and Mail
What we can learn from Canadians – The Great Debate (Reuters
There is a debate, if that’s what you can even call it, raging in America about how to improve our public education system. While disparate groups rip each other apart, it would seem wise to look to our neighbors to the north. Americans love to casually pick on Canadians, but we should be seriously analyzing their public school system, which has emerged as one of the most successful school systems in the world…
Can you afford to close the door? – Doug – Off the Record (Doug Peterson)
There’s an old saying in education that goes something like this – once the students are in the classroom, you can close the door and only you and they know what happens. Whether said seriously or in jest, it can be true if you want. After all, it’s not like there are a large number of people who really want to drop into your classroom at a moment’s notice or even care what’s happening…